Golden's Bridge FireFighters Did Not Have to Go Far For This Motor Vehicle Accident
By Foreman Raymond Baker Jr.
August 11, 2016

On Thursday Evening around 8:32 Golden's Bridge Firefighters did not have to go far for a Motor Vehicle Accident. While members were standing by at the firehouse during the storm that was bringing heavy rain, lightning and thunder to our area they heard a huge crash from inside the firehouse that sent firefighters running to see what had happened. When firefighters got outside they found a two car accident right in front of the firehouse. Firefighters & Officers jumped right into action some checking in the 2 patients one in each car and others working to secure the vehicles. Both patients walked away seemly uninjured and after being checked by EMS they were released. Golden's Bridge FD stayed on location while awaiting the tow trucks to remove the vehicles. After the vehicles were removed the scene was turned over to Lewisboro Police and New York State Police.

Units: GBFD-Car 2141,Car 2142,Car 2144,Rescue 25.LVAC-67B1.WEMS-45M3. LPD-7K345.NYSP